In re: Letter –complaint of Ms. Agnes Atienza
Filed through the Office of the National Council
On Disability Affairs

FDA CASE NO. CMP-DP-2010-032

For: Violation of Chapter 8, Section 32 (a) of
RA 7277, as amended by RA 9442 in relation
to AO 2009-0011

The Branch Manager
Wilson Street, San Juan, Metro Manila


Before this Office is a complaint of a certain Agnes Atienza filed through the office of the National Council on Disability Affairs against your establishing for the alleged refusal of your establishment on March 27, 2010 to grant her two (2) children, both with disabilities, the twenty (20) percent discount in the purchase of medicines entitled to persons with disabilities.

Chapter 8, Section 32 [c] of Republic Act No. 7277, as amended by Republic Act No. 9442 otherwise known as the “Magna Carta for Disabled Persons and For Other Purposes” in relation to Section V [5] as implemented by Section VI [4] of Administrative Order No. 2009-0011 provides that persons with disabilities shall be entitled to at least twenty (20) percent discount in the purchase of branded and unbranded medicines from all establishments dispensing medicines for their exclusive use or enjoyment.

IN VIEW THEREOF, you are ordered to show valid cause in writing and present your evidence in support thereof within fifteen (15) days from receipt hereof as to why no legal or administrative action should be taken against you and your establishment for the aforesaid violation. In the event of failure to do so, judgement by default will be rendered against you and the case shall be decided based on the evidence on record.

The Regulation Division I is hereby directed to cause the service of this Order and to submit a report thereof to the Legal, Information and Compliance Division.

SO ORDERED. 24 May 2010, FDA, Alabang, Muntinlupa City.

Acting Director